Q: What are the primary uses for BioSweep?
A: BioSweep treatment is primarily used for odor removal and/or airborne contaminant destruction. Virtually any odor or airborne contaminant can be completely eradicated from any indoor space in one BioSweep treatment.

Q: How does BioSweep work?
A: Our equipment’s unique, five-stage process combines the latest in airborne and surface contamination destruction technology. High-intensity technology eradicates airborne and surface organic molecules and microorganisms from indoor spaces including pathogens, viruses and bacteria.

Q: Should I try to clean the affected area with chemicals before I call BioSweep?
A: No. If possible call us before you attempt to clean up any affected area with chemicals. BioSweep technicians are experts at odor remediation. We can help you to save money and achieve the best results if you include us in the process from the beginning.

Q: Can BioSweep be operated with people or pets in the treatment area?
A: No. Be prepared to make arrangements for any people, plants or pets to vacate the premises for the amount of time it will take to complete your treatment.

Q: Can the BioSweep treat odors inside automobiles?
A: Yes. BioSweep is highly effective and can be easily deployed inside any vehicle.

Q: How large an area will BioSweep treat?
A: A treatment area can be as small as a car or as large as equipment available to treat. At this time BioSweep of Dallas has the capability to treat an area as large as 20,000 sq. ft. If you require treatment in a larger space, please call (214-708-2850) to make specific arrangements.

Q: May I spot treat only the affected areas of my home with BioSweep?
A: No. In order to offer a 100% guarantee, the entire home or indoor space must be treated. When an odor causing agent is introduced to an indoor space, it is often drawn up by the heating and air conditioning unit and dispersed throughout. The only way to insure that the odor causing contaminant is completely eradicated is to treat the entire space.

Q: How long does BioSweep treatment take?
A: BioSweep can treat most indoor environments within 3-12 hrs. Most vehicles can be treated in one – two hours. A BioSweep treatment can reduce deodorization time as much as ninety percent (90%) as compared to simple ozone generators.

The actual amount of time it will take to treat a specific area depends upon several factors including indoor environmental conditions such as temperature and humidity, odor or contaminant source and severity, floor plan and cubic space.

For specific treatment times and parameters, please fill out our questionnaire for a free estimate.

Q: Does the BioSweep treatment process leave an odor?
A: Initially, yes. The treatment process initially produces a residual smell similar to that of an indoor swimming pool which gradually subsides. Within 72 hours the treated space becomes odor neutral.

Q: Does BioSweep use any toxic chemicals?
A: No. BioSweep does not use, nor does the equipment contain any toxic chemicals. The process does, however, generate as a by-product a dry vapor containing hydrogen peroxide and purified trivalent oxygen.

BioSweep treatments are safe, non-toxic, environmentally friendly and compatible with “green” cleaning and building techniques.

Q: If BioSweep is safe and non-toxic, why can’t I breathe the BioSweep vapor during treatment?
A: The properties that make ozone and hydrogen peroxide powerful cleaners and disinfectants also make them dangerous to living tissues. The same chemical properties that allow high concentrations of these oxyradicals to react with organic material outside the body give them the ability to react with similar organic material that make up the body, and can temporarily cause potentially harmful health consequences. When these oxyradicals come in contact with living tissues, like our lungs, they attack and damage cells lining the airways, causing swelling and inflammation resulting in difficulty breathing.

Your technician is trained in proper use and safety procedures before, during and after treatment. Rest assured that your health and safety are our top priority. The treatment area will be clearly marked and all doors locked to prevent anyone from entering the premises during a treatment. Once your technician has tested to insure safe entry and removed the BioSweep equipment, he will clear the area for people, pets and plants to safely re-enter the space.

Q: Will BioSweep fade upholstery or otherwise harm fabrics?
A: No. BioSweep treatment is compatible with most materials. It will not bleach or harm carpet, upholstery or fabrics when properly operated. Your technician has been properly trained and will notify you if he believes there may be an issue.

Q: Is BioSweep an ozone generator?
A: No. BioSweep does not use coronal discharge ozone generation that is unreliable and produces harmful and corrosive nitrogen oxides. The equipment is 10 times more powerful than most commercial ozone generators.

Q: Is BioSweep an air scrubber?
A: No. The treatment unit operates at 250 CFM. It has an easily accessible HEPA filter (0.3 micron size), which traps any airborne contaminants that size or larger.

Q: Does BioSweep offer a warranty?
A: No. One BioSweep treatment will remove all odors caused by organic materials. We do not guarantee lasting effects if the customer continues to participate in the activities that caused the odor in the first place. In the unlikely event that the odor in question lingers or reoccurs within 72 hours, our 100% guarantee assures our customers that we will retreat as necessary within 14 days of initial treatment.

Q: Will BioSweep remove Formaldehyde in the air?
A: Yes. Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound which BioSweep is very effective at eliminating.

Q: Will BioSweep remove curry oil and other persistent cooking odors from a home or restaurant?
A: Yes. BioSweep treatment is currently the only process that safely and effectively removes cooking odors from a home or restaurant while sanitizing exposed surfaces. While curry oil is difficult to remove, with pre-treatment and experienced technicians we have excellent results at curry odor removal.

Q: We had an animal die in our home. Will BioSweep remove the smell?
A: Any organic smell can be treated with BioSweep. Dead animals or humans and their waste smells can be treated. The original cause of the odor must be removed before treatment.

Q: Can BioSweep get rid of pet odors or urine?
A: Yes. A BioSweep treatment will eradicate animal odors including cat and dog urine and skunk odor. Pretreatment of the affected areas is required and may incur additional cost.

Q: Can BioSweep get rid of cigarette smoke that has permeated furniture, walls, ceilings, carpet and clothing?
A: Yes. A BioSweep treatment is very effective at removing the smell of cigarette smoke in any indoor space. It is highly recommended that a person who has quit smoking has their living space and car treated to discourage them from starting back up again.

If a person begins to smoke in the treated areas again, an additional treatment will be required and is not covered in our 100% guarantee.

Q: Will BioSweep kill mold spores?
A: Yes. A BioSweep treatment will eradicate airborne mold spores. Dead or inactive mold spores are captured in the units’ optional HEPA filter.

Q: Is BioSweep treatment helpful to people with Asthma and allergies?
A: Yes. BioSweep kills dust mites, pollen, mold, bacteria and other known allergens at their source.

Q: Can BioSweep remove odors from and clean duct work?
A: Yes. While BioSweep doesn’t actually remove most particles in duct work, it kills dust mites, pollen, mold, bacteria and viruses which will stop odors from being dispersed throughout your home through the heating and air conditioning unit.

It may still be recommended that you have your air ducts cleaned by a licensed professional in conjunction with your BioSweep treatment.

Q: Can BioSweep be used to sanitize a home, school or office after a biological incident or contagious illness outbreak?
A: Yes. BioSweep is proven effective at eradication of bacteria and viruses. BioSweep technology is proven to be effective against a wide range of environmentally associated pathogens including Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA).

Q: My clothing and furniture smell like smoke after a fire in my home. Can a BioSweep treatment remove the smells from my clothing and furniture?
A: Yes. BioSweep treatment is perfect for content restoration. If your clothing or cloth furniture has lingering odors we can usually remove them in one treatment.

Q: Does BioSweep use or work with other specialists to achieve desired results?
A: Yes. We work with remediation specialists including insurance adjusters, hazardous material clean-up teams, carpet cleaners, plumbers, contractors, and professional cleaning crews to help you get things back to normal after an accident, fire, crime or natural disaster. Our services are frequently covered by insurance.

Q: Does BioSweep remove fuel spill odors?
A: Yes. BioSweep extremely effective at removing toxic fumes associated with gasoline and diesel fuel spills. The organic compounds in fuel oils are broken down to non-volatile compounds during a BioSweep treatment. Any porous materials, (including concrete) will have to be treated with an enzyme to facilitate breakdown of the compounds that may incur an additional cost.

Q: Does the BioSweep treatment process ever fail?
A: Usually when an odor returns there are unknown factors surrounding the origination or location of the smell. Carpet padding, air filters and other sponge-type porous material are the primary factors for odors reoccurring. Our technicians are highly trained to identify these possible odor traps so permanent odor removal can be achieved. If despite our best efforts, the odor we treated for is not removed or returns within 72 hours, we will make suggestions and changes to improve upon the outcome and treat the area again.

There are sometimes extreme circumstances where complete and total removal of an odor cannot be achieved without removal of carpet, removal or replacement of porous surfaces including wood and drywall. Your technician will address this type of situation with you prior to treatment so that you may realistically plan to achieve the desired result.

Q: Can I rent/lease the equipment for home or individual use?
A: No. The unit is operated by and sold only to approved and trained Licensees.

Do you have a question we did not answer?

Please feel free to contact us to ask any question relating to the BioSweep treatment process that has not been addressed above. We understand that while the actual treatment process is simple, the technology behind it can be difficult to understand.

As unbelievable as it may seem, BioSweep is the answer to virtually all indoor odor remediation issues. Your complete satisfaction is our goal.